Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mohawk Hat...How Friggin Awesome Is That!

What's Crackalackin Readers :p

Those that know me personally have seen me rock the mohawk earlier this year. Lemme tell you, I was feeling myself for a quick minute. I'm so used to sporting the "regular cut" and its not often that I get to experiment with an out of the ordinary style. nfortunately, as a senior, I have to prepare myself for the upcoming world ahead of me; that being said, mohawks will only hinder my potential to obtain the employment opportunities that I actually want.
Well guess what, I happened to be window shopping on when I encountered this friggin awesome "Mohawk Hat". Shut the Front Door! A Mohawk Hat! Are ya serious!?, I will definitely have to buy me a couple for the cold season ahead.

Watch out peeps, I'm bringing sexy back!


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